Lately, I have been obsessed with playing Great British Bake Off in the background. There is just something comforting about hearing the voices of the judges and the contestants talking about food. As you can imagine, I am obsessed with food. The other day, I was lucky to pay attention when the episode on quick bread started playing. Before I knew it, I was designing this cheddar and spring onion bread in my head.
Continue Reading “Cheddar and Spring Onion Bread”Chocolate Chip Buttermilk Banana Bread
I still have memories of myself running late for school and making a swift stop at a local Whole Foods Market. Just to the left of the door as I walk in, there is a baked goods displayed case. In that case, there are all kinds of yummy breakfast pastries. I have done this routine so many times, I know exactly where to look for my chocolate chip banana bread muffin. It is usually on the first two shelves, somewhere in the center. On my way to the cashier, I’ll grab a chocolate protein shake or a bottled green juice depending on what my eyes reach first. The total for my mad dash breakfast is usually just a little over five dollars. Now, I am making chocolate chip buttermilk banana bread to recapture some of that moment.
Continue Reading “Chocolate Chip Buttermilk Banana Bread”Turmeric Bun With Raisin Paste
Turmeric Bun with Raisin Paste is a good way to begin a full month filled with celebrations and progress. September makes a massive transitional month for me. There are so many good things happening this month. My intention is to go into this month, fully present and ready to embrace all that is happening.
Continue Reading “Turmeric Bun With Raisin Paste”Peach Week: Peach Focaccia
As with all things food with me, I was minding my business. Then the New York Times posted the most amazing picture of their peach focaccia. And I fell in love and I just had to have it. Not only did I have to have it, but I also had to make all things peach. So I spent my days in the kitchen cooking and my nights on the ‘net researching. Before I knew, Peach Week was born! Yes, it is Peach Week!!
Continue Reading “Peach Week: Peach Focaccia”Hokkaido Milk Bread
Yesterday, I went grocery shopping with Bee, the mother of my godson. And she said she had to buy Nigerian bread. So, even though we had nothing to buy at the African food store, two adult women and an almost two-year-old toddler drove to there. After so much effort, the bread was out of stock. Maybe we should have spent the time making Hokkaido milk bread instead.
Continue Reading “Hokkaido Milk Bread”Breaking Breads By Uri Scheft
I have decided to maximize my resources in 2019. My shift in attitude has meant a new perspective of shopping. I am trying not to buy everything brand new. The thrift store has become one of my favorite places. After looking at all the books I own, physically and digitally, I knew it was time to use the library services. I still buy books but sometimes I borrow. Borrowing books is particularly easy because I realized I could use my library card for ebooks. I recently acquired the book, Breaking Breads by Uri Scheft from Hoopla, a digital lending service. From the book, I made this Chocolate and Grapefruit Confit Challah.
CONTINUENo-Knead Bread

There are few things in life that I find more comforting than bread. Especially the Agege bread that the hawkers used to carry around on top of their head in Lagos. That soft doughy white bread that was just the perfect vessel for all kinds of food. If you have never had Agege bread stuffed with
There are few things I miss about home like I miss bread. The way bread just seemed to be on every corner and you could always figure out a meal pronto. It might seem crazy that I miss bread in a country where the grocery stores have a million and one options for bread. There is every shape, every size and every ingredient bread in every store.

But in a land of plenty, when that one special one is missing, you begin to question if you even belong. Lately, I have been experimenting with making bread. I am not a good bread-maker. It is important that I admit my flaws up front. It is either I am too impatient or not attentive enough when making bread. There are bread makers whose artistry and language floor me. I am just trying to make something that could fill some of that void from not having my home bread with me.
For the past couple of years, the no-knead bread has been my companion. Originally presented to the world by Mark Bittman during his time at the New York Times, this recipe has travelled around the world of food blogs. It is a pantry staple that is versatile enough. The recipe is as unfinicky as a bread recipe can be. And the result makes me feel like I have created something special when really all I have done is let flour, water and yeast rest for a long period of time. If there is one recipe I can recommend as a good place to play, it is the no-knead recipe.
I look forward to sharing my different variations of this recipe on this blog.