One of the best things about discovering food is suddenly imagining all the places it belongs. Such is my relationship with dill. Dill was a plant that I had heard of. I might even have eaten a few things with dill. Then suddenly I decided I wanted to cook with dill and now I see the possibilities. This Orange Miso Dressing with Dill is one of those possibilities.
CONTINUEThe Money at ‘Steak’
Buying fish is one of those things that makes me feel iffy. Okay, really buying meat makes me iffy. I just always get afraid that it won’t be the right quality and whats not. The trick to buying meat for me is to only buy from places that I trust. A big part of trust is not just freshness but taste as well. For this Orange Dill Poached Salmon, I took some time to stare at fish.